Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 7 : Forum + Quiz + Crossword puzzle

On 24th August, Thursday, we had the session 2 forum.There were another 6 panels involved in this forum to talk about their topics.As usual, some of them answered the question based on the paper in their hand and some of them just answered the question spontaneously.The moderator of this forum was Amira Syuhada that replaced Khaideer who had been the moderator for the first session. The photos during the forum are shown below:

Then, on Thursday, we had a short quiz.The quiz was quiet tough because the question required us to think deeply.We were given a small paper to write the answered. We think that this is the first time in our life to have this kind of quiz.Then, we were given the new task which was the crossword puzzle.We have to create the crossword puzzle based on our topic.So, our group had discussed together to create the best crossword puzzle.Then, this crossword puzzle will be given to the other group.They have to answer the crossword puzzle that we had created.This activity is quiet fun since we can create our own crossword puzzle and will be answered by others.

1 comment:

  1. Corrections:

    1. Leave a space after full-stop and comma.
    2. Check the spelling and word form: quiet,answered,think, is, have and topic.
